November 2005

Sarah's Museum Road Show - Port Lincoln  - Page 1

Sarah's Museum Road Show - Flight over

Sarah's Museum Road Show - Port Lincoln  - kids arriving

Some of the team

Ms Molly Addyman and Tim Flannery. Ms Addyman and her husband were the discoverers of the opalised plesiosaur on display at the museum.

The Addyman Plesiosaur is a unique skeleton preserved in opal. It represents a new species of plesiosaur, which cannot be named because important parts of the skeleton are missing. These parts, including the skull may have been eaten by scavengers, or washed away before burial and fossilisation.

It is becoming less common to find skeletons in the opal fields because machines have replaced the pick and shovel and fossils are broken and destroyed in the new mining process.

Mr Addyman offered this amazing specimen to the South Australian Museum for $25,000 because he believed that it was a treasure that belonged to the people of South Australia.

Kids doing fossil activity on family fun day

View from apartment

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