Merit Awards 2006 - Page 1

"The Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia (SSABSA) strives to ensure the highest possible standards in the curriculum and assessment, building on the tradition of independent public assessment begun in our state more than a century ago. Its objective has always been to offer a widely respected qualification that prepares students for their chosen pathways, through future study or employment, adapting to changing needs, though changing times.

The ceremony, first held at Government House in 1989, recognises the outstanding achievements of students in the Year 12 assessments conducted by SSABSA, and acknowledges the efforts by all who study for the South Australian Certificate of Education."

Sarah received an award for a perfect score in a year 12 Technology subject

Waiting for the ceremony to begin.....

Sarah receiving her Merit Award

Sue getting in on the act......

"Best SSABSA Mother......"

Sue, Sarah, Jeane (principal of Open Access College) and Emily at the awards

Sarah and Jan Keightley (chief Executive of SSABSA)

Towards the end of the ceremony Sarah stepped on Em's foot with her stiletto heel,

resulting in  a visit to the first aid tent and a suspected broken toe!

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