China Bike Ride 2006 - Page 28

This photograph is of Bill Clinton meeting the farmer that was drilling the well and discovered the Warriors a few years ago

There is an interesting story that goes along with this arranged meeting....

The farmer could speak no English so the Government decided to teach him some key words for this high powered meeting.

They thought he should ask Bill "How are you?"

And assumed Bill would answer something like "fine"

So the next phrase the farmer practiced was "Me too"

So the day of the big meeting came and Bill was introduced to the farmer......

But the farmer in poor English said something more like "Who are you?" and everyone present looked embarrassed.

Bill paused for a moment and then looked across at Hilary and said "I'm married too her".

The farmer quickly replied "Me too" just as practiced.....

So..... To this day the government has never again tried to teach farmers English for special meeting!

The colour has been lost with age........

Taken in one of the smaller pits.... Many heads have been lost

Another view of one of the smaller pits.....

This was actual taken in the gift shop but shows some of the detail.....

All appear to have largish ears?

Vent holes (in this case near the ears) allowed for "firing" of the terracotta and prevented cracking

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