Melbourne Trip June 2008
From the Melbourne Age
Peter Munro June 15, 2008 Skye Gellman and his dunny brush of doom get into the undead spirit yesterday Photo: Rebecca Hallas - The Age
With blood-curdling cries of "What do we want? Brains. When do we want them? Brains," about 500 made-up zombies lurched, shuffled and stumbled through Melbourne's streets. The third Zombie Shuffle, a mock tribute to the decidedly undead, proceeded through the city from Carlton Gardens to Southbank yesterday afternoon. Among the decomposing dilettantes were a zombie golfer, zombie families, a zombie Jesus and a couple of well-behaved zombie dogs. Some shufflers carried placards calling for "undead rights" or an end to the 2am lockout. Another zombie boasted: "I used to be a vegan." This year's event proved so popular that organisers issued rules on Facebook. "Virgin zombies" were told: "Keep your blood and guts to yourself"; no carrying of weapons; no intentional scaring of children, senior citizens or animals; and obey the road rules. "If you need to drip blood on someone, do it on a fellow zombie," another rule read. Head zombie Clem Bastow, an Age contributor, said the annual event looked much worse than it was. "Everyone was very polite, didn't hurt anyone and waited at the lights."
Interesting but friendly zombies heading home on the tram...... 008
Audrey (near Simon's flat) to be restored for the second time.......
This is undoubtedly Melbourne's favourite heritage neon sign. Located at 651-653 Victoria Street, Abbotsford, Audrey the Skipping Girl was erected for Nycander and Co. Pty Ltd. (who owned the brand Skipping Girl Vinegar) in 1936. Despite becoming a much loved Melbourne icon, the original sign fell into disrepair and was removed in 1968. A replica sign was re-created for the Crusader Plate Company in 1970, in an attempt to salvage this icon. (The vinegar company had moved to Altona without a desire to keep the sign). Crusader's new sign was placed in its present location above their factory, which has since been turned into offices and apartments. The sign's design was somewhat altered from the original.
Sue and Simon checking out recent Canadian wedding photographs.......
On the beat.... looking at open houses with Simon