Idaho - July 2013 - Page 1
Snake River at Twin Falls Idaho Base jumping is legal here!
We watched this one......
Remember Evel Knievel? The launch at Snake River Canyon was on September 8, 1974, at 3:36 p.m. MDT. The steam that powered the engine was superheated to a temperature of 500 °F (260 °C). The drogue parachute deployed even as the Skycycle was leaving the launching rail, causing enough drag that even though the craft made it all the way across the canyon to the north rim, the prevailing winds caused it to drift back south, into the canyon. By the time it hit the bottom of the canyon, it landed only a few feet from the water on the same side of the canyon from which it had been launched. If he had landed in the water, Knievel would have drowned due to a jumpsuit/harness malfunction which kept him strapped in the vehicle. Knievel survived the jump with only minor injuries.In 2010, Knievel's son, Robbie, announced he hoped to recreate the Snake River Canyon jump, yet no jump has been officially planned. However, stuntman Mike Hughes has built a steam powered rocket cycle that he will test in August 2013. If Hughes is successful, he will attempt to clear the Snake River Canyon at the 40th anniversary of Knievel's ill-fated jump.Read all about Evel here:
This is what remains of his launch pad A close-up of it......