Australian Road Trip April 2014 - Page 1

When not to follow a GPS when driving back roads!

Cows helped with directions.......

Great Ocean Road has lots of foreign toruists!


The 12 Apostles

The famous 12 Apostles (well there aren't 12 anymore.... some have eroded away), are magnificent rock stacks that rise up majestically from the Southern Ocean on Victoria's dramatic coastline. Limestone cliffs Created by constant erosion of the limestone cliffs of the mainland beginning 10-20 million years ago, the stormy Southern Ocean and blasting winds gradually eroded the softer limestone, forming caves in the cliffs. The caves eventually became arches and when they collapsed rock stacks up to 45 metres high were left isolated from the shore. They change colour from dark and foreboding in shadow to brilliant sandy yellow under a full sun

The 12 Apostles - Near Gibsons Steps

More of the The 12 Apostles..... 

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