Archaeologist for a Day Program at Parc National du Lac-Temiscouata

Sue and Patrick (Archaeologist)

Visitors to this park can participate in many different activities suiting all ages.

Sue booked us into the Archaeologist for a half day program.

The concept is that you go out on a field trip to help one of the two Archaeologists on the park staff.

This helps them carry out their research and also helps educate the public about the importance of their work in the area.

On this trip, we helped check the state of an older archaeology site (originally discovered in the 1960's and again mapped in the 1990's) and also check for artefacts.

Some of the sites dated back 10,000 years

This is early for here but compare to these dates:

Haida on Haida Gwaii, BC Canada - 17,000 years

Indigenous Australian - 70,000 years

(Latest dates from Wiki)

Using the GPS to head to this location (site 10 in the area)

Checking the beach at site 10 for newly turned up artefacts

Found one!

(Well Patrick did anyway)

Hunting for this sort of thing.....

Early stone tools made of chert (stone found in this area)

The shaping of the chert cam be  seen above

Bald headed eagles also nest in the area.....

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