USA Road trip 2014 - Page 16

Albany, New York
Albany is the capitol of New York State

Many small villages are along the Hudson River
This one is near Troy.....

As fate would have it, in Bennington, Vermont, we encountered the "2014 Great Race" (click here for more info)
Bennington is the home of Hemmings Motor News (click here for info on Hemmings Motor News)
The Great Race goes from Oqunquit, Maine to The villages, Florida (a total of 2100 miles this year)

Then an hour and a half traffic jam entering the seaside town of Hampton, New Hampshire!
Not surprising given this place is close to Boston, a city of just under 8 million people in the greater Boston area alone....

Finally, after 21 days of driving across from the west coast we reached the east coast!
Apart from a couple of stormy days in Nebraska, the weather has been perfect and the scenery simply amazing.
It was great to stop with friends for a few rest days and a treat to be part of Kent and Colleen's wedding

We are at the Atlantic Ocean camping in the seaside town of Salisbury, Massachusetts!

Rode to the tourist trap called Hampton
The foreshore is a bit like Surfers.....
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