

Havana to Trinidad - Page 3

Museum dedicated to the Bay of Pigs Invasion

The US backed pro Battista mercenaries failed to overthrow the Fidel Castro's regime in the Bay of Pigs invasion..... 

A South American made Kombi (production of these has now stopped)  

Barber - Beauty Shop in Cienfuegos

Rice workers drying rice on the road way......

A conversable Paso shop in Cienfuegos

Cuba has a duel currency system

The local Paso is used by the Cubans and the Convertable Paso (CUC) is used by us foreigners and some wealthy Cubans. There is a move to have a single currancy.

The convertable Paso shops have lots of  stock but the locals use ration tickets in special shops and need to join long cues and often have an extremely limited selection of items.

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