

Returning to Havana - Page 3

After 15 days of travels around Cuba we celebrate the end of a great experience......

As for the future of Cuba?

We left Cuba with more questions than answers.  Cubans enjoy such a great sense of community and family.  They have a deep appreciation for culture, music and sport.  It will be sad to see the western consumer values take over here - but the genie is out of the bottle.

  Enormous changes are about to hit Cuba if the USA lifts the blockade.  Our sense of it is that the average Cuban seems to be looking forward to a better standard of l living.

The Cubans suffered greatly when their economy was impacted as a result of dissolution of the USSR.  Fidel described the time as the  "Special Period" of socialism.  According to our guide, there was nothing special about it.

Everyone in the last of their clean clothes and looking good

Jose (our driver - on the front right of the table) looking forward to getting home..... 

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