
Cork - Page 1

Cork is an interesting place....

The name 'Cork' derives from the Irish 'Corcach Mór Mumhan', which means the 'great marsh of Munster' and refers to the fact that the centre of Cork city is built on islands, surrounded by the River Lee, which were marshy and prone to episodes of flooding. The waterways between the islands were built over to form some of the main streets of present-day Cork. The oblong-like shape of the centre-city island, bounded by the north and south channels of the Lee gives Cork city much of its physical charm. Described as the Venice of Ireland? (Maybe!)

Traditionally, Saint Finbarre or Bairre, has been credited with the foundation of the monastery of Cork pre 1400AD. Cork was economically devastated during the late 1970s and 1980s with its indigenous industries unable to compete against foreign enterprises which had freer access to the Irish market since Ireland joined the EEC (now the EU). Thousands of young Cork people were forced to emigrate in search of work while unemployment rose to levels not experienced since the early 1950s. Cork city, began to recover in the late 1980s and record-breaking rates of economic growth were achieved in the 1990s, the era of the so-called 'Celtic Tiger'. The transformation of the city from its run-down condition in the 1980s has been remarkable. New hi-tech industries were set up in the city and its hinterland. Some of the giants of the electronic, computer, and pharmaceutical industries established factories in the surrounding area. Unemployment levels fell dramatically. New shopping centres were opened in the city centre and the outlying suburbs. The construction industry boomed, with the demand for new houses far exceeding the supply. This, however, had the effect of inflating prices of new houses, a trend which continues today. Apple Computers employs over 4000 employees here! And is one of the many multinationals that uses Cork as a tax haven as the cooperate tax here is around 12.5%......

Meanwhile the locals are faced with a tax levy to cover the replacement of their aging water pipes (the "Water Tax").

Many countries are now trying to plug the tax invasion loop hole used by companies such as Apple and time will see the results.....  The Australian Government has just announced a crackdown on tax invasion by companies like Apple Computers in their 2015 budget.....

For Cork, the growth appears to continue, here is an article from the local paper on the 25th May 2015

"According to an announcement today (Monday) at the Cork Internet eXchange (CIX) and it@cork event at County Hall, Cork will become a global IP switching centre with fibre connectivity routing high speed Internet traffic to and from USA, UK, Europe and Asia."



St. Anne's Church

Note the fish on top!

The weather vane in the form of a salmon (representing the fishing from the River Lee below the church) was an appropriate sign to have on top of the church, as a fish was used as a symbol for the name of the Lord.

Four face Clock tower of St Anne's

Butter was one of the major players in the early Irish economy and continued when Ireland joined the EEC

Many signs around of better days here....

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