
Garinish Island - Page 1

Leaving Glengarriff for Garinish Island

Small boats take you to this Island garden

Garinish Island

Garnish Island (Ilnacullin Garinish or Garnish) is located in the sheltered harbour of Glengarriff in Bantry Bay, in Southwest Ireland. Garnish is world renowned for its gardens which are laid out in beautiful walks and it has some stunning specimen plants which are rare in this climate.

Take the Garnish Island Ferry from Glengarriff Pier to visit this amazing island garden. The very sheltered ferry trip includes a wonderful visit to seal island where you will visit the very tame seal colony.

The Gardens are the result of the creative partnership of Annan Bryce and Harold Peto, architect and garden designer. The island was bequeathed to the Irish people in 1953, and was subsequently entrusted to the care of the Commissioners of Public Works.

For history buffs the Island also boasts a Martello tower on its southern shores which has been restored by the OPW. There is an amazing view of the bay from the battlements of the tower.

see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garnish_Island

Part of the small seal colony near the island

Lovely area......

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