Finishing the platform..... Page 1

Base fastened to frame using 4 - 10x30mm screws

Top of the platform

Battery stack sits here.....

The two threaded rods will secure the two batteries to the platform

The remaindered of some spare Hammer-Tone paint was used on the platform top to match the wheel rims

Tip.... MDF wood can be made fairly water resistant by first spraying with a heavy coat (or two) of polyurethane paint

This provides an excellent base for whatever top coat(s) you are using and prevents the MDF from acting as a sponge

The MDF piece (with the RED arrow) is the spacer between the two batteries

The cut out section allows for the battery terminal, crimp lug and associated two wires

This is made by sandwiching (gluing) the cut out 9mm piece with a 3mm top.....

The other solid 12mm piece of MDF shown is for the top of the battery stack and will act as a base for the electronics

Batteries are clamped with a scrap piece of Ali channel cut and drilled to suit.....

Put together it looks like this.....

Some closed cell 2mm foam rubber is used at the bottom and between the two batteries providing some cushioning

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