Manitoba - Page 2 

We arrived at this park late in the day after they had had torrential rain

This park is the second oldest in Canada - buildings date back to 1930's

Grey Owl's cabin is located here.....

The story of the "Fake" Canadian Indian is told here (it is an interesting read!)

He is acknowledged in a number of parks we have visited with the commencement of the conservation movement in Canada

So a hero in the end......

Sue stopped into this place and bought a cinnamon bun....

 She and her cousins used to shop here to for fresh bread

 Sue's Aunty Rene and Uncle Bill had a cabin at Clear Lake


Later in the day lots of tourists stop here for ice cream......

Unfortunately with all the rain in this part of Canada, the mosquitoes are in pledge proportions!

Much is written about this problem - click out this!

Komarno, Manitoba, about 70 km north of Winnipeg is the officially the Mosquito Capitol of the world!

(btw - Komarno is Ukrainian for mosquito!)

In some areas "fogging" has become a way of life

Manly due to concerns about the West Nile Virus carried by the odd mosquitoes here.....

If it kill mosquitoes I'm not sure how healthy it is for us humans?

I'm sure they know what they are doing........

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