Prototype version 2 - starting the guards.....
I will include a reasonable number of photographs on the construction of these two phototype guards
as a fair amount of thought goes into making something which appears very simple in the end result!
Two pieces of MDF - (A) 16mm piece shaped to suit wheel radius and cut at an angle to tilt the top section upwards
and a thinner 3mm piece to act as the top.
The 3mm piece was bend to suit the shape of (A)
And put together like this.....
Standard PVA glue and finishing nails with two screws to secure each end
(Blocks add some extra reinforcement)
Rough cut and sand to shape....
The inside - these 5 blocks will be shaped with the Dremel.....
Fits like this.....
Another view....
View from the top....
Note they do not come out past the tyre - this should prevent them from getting damaged to easily